New Features! Part one.
Context sensitive field help.
Press shift-F1. Version 5.60 will have this help available. When you set up product configuration expert, if you click on a field and press shift-F1, you get context sensitive help. It may be textual or graphical; graphical PDFs must be downloaded to your server for graphical help to be available. Right-click still shows you the choices for a field. Brian McCasland has created a lot of these screens.
When in the setup menu, you choose "View Manuals" and select "view" it will go to to find the manual files. You can select "view local" to get ones from the server.
Pressy Schroyer is updating the manuals. Admin guide updated, How-To will be updated in the next few weeks.
Remove old records
Product configuration expert F12, remove old records, removes records in all databases that are for products that do not exist in the product database. Does not touch records that are associated with still-existing products.
Class translations
There is now a procedure where you can use a .CSV file to take the old classes and translate to new classes.
"View class translations" from F12 in class listing at beginning of pagination or when viewing classes.
Specify it in the control record in the same place as the class nesting specification (page 2). Type is TRAN. Request S (suggested) or U (unconditional). Can set for each pagination per day of week for example.
Copy dialog
Expanded information including where a particular user IP pagination was copied from, and the merge directories can be viewed. Merge directory date is shown as "age" when extracting. Screen 25, bottom, age in hours will configure when the date will show in red.
Product Config Expert
Now you can go to the product configuration screen you want by name rather than paging up and down.
Customer and Notes fields
These can be passed by your ad order entry system. Customer may be name or number. Notes information about the ad e.g. "we really want this on page 4."
CCI default sends these. Make sure no hard returns!
Display fillers from AoE
Fillers can be received in the classsrt.out file as agate, display, both, neither.
Richard notes, there is another interface available to ClassPag where you can launch ad order entry system, re-edit and retransmit ad with AdMax.
Product config "Ad and Class Conversions (continued)"
Lock Ads On Exit
Outext export (continued) field "save work area on exit":
T save with current locks,
F no ask
L will ask if you want to lock ads before saving.
If you choose L, on exit you have a choice of locking all ads on exit, lock display ads, keep current locks, or cancel save.
Import area improvements
"In use" shows who is using it.
Import control expanded
Background color on ads
Can apply color. column 140 is "Y" for the background color.
Position request field can have code "BC same as enterinig a "Y" in column 140.
Multiple colors -- background request has two entries, so you can alternate. Possibilties for gray on a non-color page.
Knockout behind logos but not letters.
Could be good for Valentine's for example.
Color needs to be light enough to read over.
Merge directory control
Can uncheck to opt out of importing a merge directory contents.
Note: the check boxes control. If you say "no" to the dialog box, it imports the merge directory anyway.
Product configuration "Ad Importing" screen, "has merge directories". "Process merge directories" means there's another program that does your ad composition, there is an import command specified. Otherwise you don't want this.
Preplacing Display Ads
Rapid entry form for Ad Requests, multiple ads all at once typed in. Before clicking "accept" click on the "ad request" button. You can right click and sort by ad number with customers. Or sort by size, large ones probably placed. Enter the ad number, page column, position (shows the code and description), target ad, then click "add". When done click "back".
It will detect conflicts and when the page is too full.
Now these positions are written to database and preserved, so keep current locks will preserve the position when exiting. You can then bring up the pagination again (another zone even) and copy these positions from save file
KY Display Ad Placement
Can use KY position request for keyed ads. Places keyed ads in order by their sort key along the bottom of the page rather than by size.
Banner with index and dink ad
Can place ear ad on top of the banner.
Right click on ad, convert to dink, select the banner, it re-generates with confirms.
Index with banner reference
Can point to banner.
Press shift-F1. Version 5.60 will have this help available. When you set up product configuration expert, if you click on a field and press shift-F1, you get context sensitive help. It may be textual or graphical; graphical PDFs must be downloaded to your server for graphical help to be available. Right-click still shows you the choices for a field. Brian McCasland has created a lot of these screens.
When in the setup menu, you choose "View Manuals" and select "view" it will go to to find the manual files. You can select "view local" to get ones from the server.
Pressy Schroyer is updating the manuals. Admin guide updated, How-To will be updated in the next few weeks.
Remove old records
Product configuration expert F12, remove old records, removes records in all databases that are for products that do not exist in the product database. Does not touch records that are associated with still-existing products.
Class translations
There is now a procedure where you can use a .CSV file to take the old classes and translate to new classes.
"View class translations" from F12 in class listing at beginning of pagination or when viewing classes.
Specify it in the control record in the same place as the class nesting specification (page 2). Type is TRAN. Request S (suggested) or U (unconditional). Can set for each pagination per day of week for example.
Copy dialog
Expanded information including where a particular user IP pagination was copied from, and the merge directories can be viewed. Merge directory date is shown as "age" when extracting. Screen 25, bottom, age in hours will configure when the date will show in red.
Product Config Expert
Now you can go to the product configuration screen you want by name rather than paging up and down.
Customer and Notes fields
These can be passed by your ad order entry system. Customer may be name or number. Notes information about the ad e.g. "we really want this on page 4."
CCI default sends these. Make sure no hard returns!
Display fillers from AoE
Fillers can be received in the classsrt.out file as agate, display, both, neither.
Richard notes, there is another interface available to ClassPag where you can launch ad order entry system, re-edit and retransmit ad with AdMax.
Product config "Ad and Class Conversions (continued)"
Lock Ads On Exit
Outext export (continued) field "save work area on exit":
T save with current locks,
F no ask
L will ask if you want to lock ads before saving.
If you choose L, on exit you have a choice of locking all ads on exit, lock display ads, keep current locks, or cancel save.
Import area improvements
"In use" shows who is using it.
Import control expanded
Background color on ads
Can apply color. column 140 is "Y" for the background color.
Position request field can have code "BC same as enterinig a "Y" in column 140.
Multiple colors -- background request has two entries, so you can alternate. Possibilties for gray on a non-color page.
Knockout behind logos but not letters.
Could be good for Valentine's for example.
Color needs to be light enough to read over.
Merge directory control
Can uncheck to opt out of importing a merge directory contents.
Note: the check boxes control. If you say "no" to the dialog box, it imports the merge directory anyway.
Product configuration "Ad Importing" screen, "has merge directories". "Process merge directories" means there's another program that does your ad composition, there is an import command specified. Otherwise you don't want this.
Preplacing Display Ads
Rapid entry form for Ad Requests, multiple ads all at once typed in. Before clicking "accept" click on the "ad request" button. You can right click and sort by ad number with customers. Or sort by size, large ones probably placed. Enter the ad number, page column, position (shows the code and description), target ad, then click "add". When done click "back".
It will detect conflicts and when the page is too full.
Now these positions are written to database and preserved, so keep current locks will preserve the position when exiting. You can then bring up the pagination again (another zone even) and copy these positions from save file
KY Display Ad Placement
Can use KY position request for keyed ads. Places keyed ads in order by their sort key along the bottom of the page rather than by size.
Banner with index and dink ad
Can place ear ad on top of the banner.
Right click on ad, convert to dink, select the banner, it re-generates with confirms.
Index with banner reference
Can point to banner.
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